Sunday, March 25, 2012

k's b-day, homemade bread and of course quilts

march 25 2012
hi everyone! i'm just getting ready to go to my granddaughter's b-day party. i've made her my famous "great day granola", a new slouch bag to put her dance shoes in, bought her a chatelaine (scissors holder) since she loves mine so much and we're giving her some money toward the new lacrosse equipment she wants. she's 11 tomorrow. amazing how fast the time goes by. she's a marvelous girl. she's so sweet and thoughtful and utterly caring. we're lucky to have her. yesterday i finished my brother's quilt. i realized a few years ago i'd never made him one! he lives in california so i've always thought it was too hot to bother. well, they do get some cold or rather chilly weather. besides that, i want him to have an heirloom from his baby sister that he can pass down to his children. i'm quite happy with it. tomorrow or the day after i'll take pictures and figure out how to download them and show you them! it is rainy here today with the weather in the low 40s. typical march weather for this area. they are predicting snow showers in my neck of the woods tomorrow. again, typical weather for new hampshire! my bread just beeped and is ready so i'll sign off for now. have a great and interesting day. nancyb

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