June 12, 2012

last week has been a VERY busy week! i finally got up the nerve to contact and go to the conway material girls meeting. i think they consider themselves a guild but i'm not sure. anyway, they were so welcoming and fun. they meet twice a month. the 2nd tuesday of the month they have some kind of learning class. any member can teach something. this meeting was so great! member Darlene taught us 3 different squares. she was a confident and really good teacher. she's obviously taught before. while i'm familiar with all of these blocks i've never done them totally by machine. since i can't hand quilt for any length of time (i killed my hands knitting and my work) i was excited to learn them and was not disappointed. i've taken pictures. i am making the bowtie block and it has just enough hand stitching in it that i can sit and do a few at a time in front of the tv. i think this is probably an origami that's done with material. the little pucker (bowtie) in the front has about 2 inches of hand stitches in the back to tack it down. i've taken pictures and will take a picture of my finished quilt. i think i'm going to make it little girl size and put it in my etsy shoppe. i really can't make that decision until the quilt it done. after that i'll try the other two blocks. i love them all!
back to the meeting. this is a very easy going and loose group. they are not new tho, and have things well organized. they mainly do charity sewing and quilting. there is no pressure to join them in making quilts etc. the 2nd meeting of the month seems to be solely for charity sewing. this month they are having a mystery quilt for that. they have tons of material there so if you don't want to use your stash you can just make it from theirs. i love their attitude and i also love that they make it fun to do! i think almost all quilters love making quilts for others and this is a great way to do it. i'll fill you in more about the group as we go along and i learn more about it. so far, i really loved it.
well, i got a blogger who has read my blog. i don't know if i can reply to her or not. she is new also. if anyone writes to me and i don't answer please try again. i'm still learning the processes. hi emily's mum! i wrote you a note but there's a noreply thing on your title so i don't know if you got it. like i've said before......i will eventually figure it out! i have more to say but need to stop for now. i'll write to you in a few days and tell you about our squirrels & chipmunks and birds.......oh my!
have a great day and i will too. nancyb
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